Ana SayfaWRITINGSGLOBAL WORLDAncient Libraries of ASIA

Ancient Libraries of ASIA


  • Han Imperial Library. Catalogue preserved in the Yiwenzhi chapter of the Book of Han. At the time of inventory contained 596 works divided into six genres; scripture, philosophy, poetry, warfare, astrology, and medicine.
  • Qin reign (third century BCE): It was the practice of Chinese emperors to assemble and maintain their official written archive. The first Qin emperor was a determined opponent of Confucianism, and worked to eradicate texts and teachings of that philosophy. [5]
  • Tang dynasty (6th–10th century): The Tang Dynasty is known as the Golden Age of Imperial Chinese history. Academy libraries were places where young men came to study for civil service exams, and became an important part of the Chinese meritocracy. Private collection of books was also common during this time. Wood-block printing spread throughout the kingdom at this time, making books more affordable. Social status was determined, in part, by the cultural refinement acquired through personal book collections.[5]
The great seats of learning in the ancient Indian subcontinent include:


  • The Academy of Gundishapur in western Iran, established during the Persian Sassanid Empire in the 3rd through 6th centuries in Amol city (Mzandaran province).The breadth of this institution was enormous and included a university, teaching hospital, and a library filled with over 400,000 titles.[15] The academy was the epitome of the Sassanid Empire with its faculty highly proficient in the conventions of Zoroastrianism and ancient Persian as well as classical Indian scholarship.[15]
By Bilge Tonyukuk Enstitüsü zaman: October 28, 2018
Düşünür, Araştırmacı Yazar, Şair. 1983 yılından buyana ihracat profesyoneli olarak çalışan Levent Ağaoğlu, 1997-2001 yılları arasında Hong Kong’da yaşadı; yaklaşan Büyük Asya Yüzyılı’nın ayak seslerini duydu hep. İsmail Gaspıralı’nın “Dil’de, Fikir’de; İş’te Birlik” idealinin peşinde koşarak Türk Evi, Düşünce ve İş Ocağı kitap serileri üzerinde çalışıyor; mütefekkir ve müteşebbis gözlem ve birikimlerini yazıya geçiriyor.


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