• It is your choice to be with or without wisdom.
  • The meaning of Hagia Sophia (577) and Kutadgu Bilig (1072) by Kaşgarli Mahmud of Kasghar in Eastern Turkestan is the same: SACRED WISDOM.


  • 1000 CE started with India and replaced by China after 500 years.
  • 1913 CE started with US and replaced by China in 100 years.
  • 2000 years old Silk Road is multicultural, 5 years old BRI is monopolistic.
  • All are colonial nominations. Turkey. Middle East. China. Central Asia. Turkic
  • Artists shape the spirit of the nation with their inner inspiration and divine wisdom gifted to themselves. Atatürk as a wise leader, admits unique and universal aspect of the art and artists.
  • As US is power of both Pacific&Atlantic Oceans, China strategizes to add Atlantic in her power system via Europe&Africa initiatives.
  • ASIA (India and China) will compete for the wealthy sources of AFRICA on the rise .KEY BASINS: Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Europe?
  • Asia Minor resembles at Great Asia.
  • Asia Rising: China, India, Turkey
  • Asia will create growth interregionally with domestic economies.
  • China and rising Africa will desperately compete as Niger, Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia,Tanzania soon will be in top 10 of population stats.
  • China returns to her domestic market and targets to become Meiguo (Beautiful Country); USA. A New World is being founded in Pacific Basin.
  • China to Turkey 3777 km is closer from Norway to Portugal.
  • Divided Union.
  • Great Asia Thought: Asian Age on the Horizon to start soon..
  • Greater Turkey versus PRC.
  • Growth Trends: Asia: double growth of world total. AfroAsia: main growth area. Worst: Latin America, Eastern Europe, Japan
  • Hot Turkish Tea. Cold Winter. Sinop, coastal city at Northern Turkey where Diogen was born.
  • Ideas are with respect. Ideas are not ridiculous. Ideas are free to articulate and Ideas are not dishonest.
  • In a decade long, Africa and subcontinent India will be top growers, while China returns inwards.
  • Islam has a deep history in Europe.
  • Istanbul is the single migration mega-city connecting two continents Europe-Asia. Asian migrants move to both parts of Istanbul.
  • New World. Rising Asia centered by Turkey (Asia Minor), Russia and China.
  • None of Top 10 Multilingual is European..Cultural decadence of Europe.
  • Not by growing, but by development. Turkey’s industrialization experience between 1967-1980 is a good experience of development.
  • Our boys!
  • Over 7500 geographical names in 100 countries have been named in Turkish language outside Turkey. Championship belongs to Turkish language followed by English in 79 countries
  • Red indians extincted. Instead an original Lady Indian on top.
  • Roman Emperors’ Graveyards: 1. Italy 2.Turkey
  • Roman Empire restarted in 1453 in Istanbul Turkey and ended in end 1922 in Turkey.
  • Roman Empire starts in Italy, then restarts and ends in Turkey.
  • Shores of Caspian Sea are surrounded by Turks living in several states in the region like Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.
  • Silk Road was in the past. Current reality is “One Road Too Debts” to enforce dependency on PR China
  • Stans of Central Asia plus Pakistan overdebted to PRC.
  • Still Sultan Fatih’s Firman is unique which has great respect on humans and their diversified beliefs
  • Though China targeted Caspian Sea since AD800, Turkey reversed Silk Road direction back to Asia at the end of 2020.
  • Tur KEY
  • US (United States) with Divided Societies
  • USA population almost triples within 150 years. Europe and USA have different ways to pursue.
  • Wellington House propaganda books published in 1916-1918 on Turks, to dismantle Ottoman Monarchy 105 years before, though United Kingdom Monarchy survives.
  • While abusing African slave labor in past centuries, China becomes the new slave labour source for neo-Europe.
  • Why China has changed historical heritage of Silk Road concept with a new concept of Belt and Road?
  • You can really travel from Europe till the end of deep Asia by learning Turkish language which is a common heritage in 83 countries.